International conference
"Quantum and classical topology of three-dimensional manifolds"
April 7 - April 9, 2014, Chelyabinsk

Conference of "Quantum topology" laboratory (Chelyabinsk State University), dedicated to the quantum and classical topology of three-dimensional manifolds.

Working languages​​: Russian and English

Venue: Chelyabinsk State University, first house, conference hall

Organizing committee: E.A. Fominykh (head), Y.K. Ilina (secretary)

Program committee: V.G. Turaev (head), S.V. Matveev

The conference program :

April 7
13.00 - 13.45 Gwenael Massuyeau, "Finite-type invariants of homology cylinders"
14.00 - 14.45 A.D. Mednykh, "New formulations of problems for holomorphic mappings of graphs" (Presentation)

April 8
10.00 - 10.45 A.Y. Vesnin, «On Jorgensen and Gehring-Martin-Tan numbers of figure-eight knot orbifolds» (Presentation)
11.00 - 11.45 A.V. Masley, «On discreteness of 2 -generator subgroups of PSL (2, C)» (Presentation)
13.00 - 13.45 S.V. Matveev, "Classification of manifolds with complexity 0"

April 9
10.00 - 10.45 N.V. Abrosimov, "Hyperbolic volumes and symmetry" (Presentation)
11.00 - 11.45 V.G. Turaev, "Topological Field Theory"

Photos from the conference

The participants of the conference:
Aleev R.J. , Vesnin A.Y., Gordiyevskikh D.M., Davydov P.N., Ilina Y.K., Korablev F.G., Korableva V.V., Limonov M.P., Masley . A.V., Matveev S.V., Mednykh A.D., Mednykh I.A., Nabeeva L.R., Ovchinnikov V.A., Panov A.V., Tarkaev V.V., Tarkaeva O.V., Turaev V.G., Fedorov V.E., Fominykh E.A.

2024 Quantum topology.