List of talks
seminar "Low-dimensional topology"
December 14, 2016
Report of Ph. Korabelv. The title of his talk: "On colorings counting invariant of knot diagrams"
November 30, 2016
Report of L. Nabeeva. The title of her talk: "On realizability of chord diagrams by projections on the plane"
November 23, 2016
Report of Y. May. The title of her talk: "Minimal set of oriented Reidemeister moves"
November 16, 2016
Report of V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "Thickening of non-thickened polyhedra"
November 9, 2016
Report of Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Invariants of non-singular triangulations for low-dimensional manifolds"
November 2, 2016
Report of Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Kashaev invariant for n-manifolds"
October 19, 2016
Report of V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "Invariants of virtual manifolds"
October 12, 2016
Report of N.Nabeeva. The title of her talk: "Reidemeister mooves for knots in thickened Klein bottle"
October 5, 2016
Report of S. Matveev. The title of his talk: "Prime decompositions of topological objects"
September 28, 2016
Report of Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Hopf algebras and 3-manifold invariants"
September 14, 2016
Report of M. Mulazzani. The title of his talk: "On the complexity of non-orientable Seifert fibre spaces"
September 7, 2016
Report of E. Kudravceva. The title of her talk: "Topology and stratification of spaces of smooth functions with given singularities on surfaces"
May 18, 2016
Report of E. Fominykh. The title of his talk: "Special spines with three 2-components"
May 2, 2016
Report of V. Tarkaev and A. Akimova. The title of their talk: "Homologicaly trivial knots in thickened surfaces"
April 20, 2016
Report of the V. Morozov. The title of his talk: " Conjugate global knots"
April 13, 2016
Report of the A. Nikiforov. The title of his talk: "Non-orientable Seifert manifolds"
April 6, 2016
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Combinatorial description of Heegaard-Floer homologies"
March 30, 2016
Report of the E. Fominykh. The title of his talk: "On a series of tetrahedral manifolds" (video)
March 23, 2016
Report of the A. Akimova. The title of her talk: "Homologically trivial knots"
March 16, 2016
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Informational content of finite type invariants"
March 9, 2016
Report of the V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "Moves of one-vertex spines. Continuation."
March 2, 2016
Report of the V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "Moves of one-vertex spines"
Fabruary 24, 2016
Report of the L. Nabeeva. The title of her talk: "Special spines of knots complements in thickened Klein bottle"
Fabruary 10, 2016
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Modular categories and Turaev-Reshetikhin invariants"
December 23, 2015
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Quantum invariants of 3-manifolds"
December 16, 2015
Report of the Y. may. The title of her talk: "Connections of knotoids and knots in thickened torus"
December 9, 2015
Report of the I. Taimanov. The title of his talk: "Jacobian sets of function pairs"
November 25, 2015
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Skein-invariants of 3-manifolds" (video)
November 18, 2015
Report of the M. Ovchinnikov. The title of his talk: "Knotoidal equivalence of knots"
November 11, 2015
Report of the V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "One-vertex spines"
October 28, 2015
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Calculation of Casson invariant for 3-manifolds"
October 14, 2015
Report of the E. Fominykh. The title of his talk: "Signature as description of 3-manifolds in the program SnapPy"
October 7, 2015
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "HOMFLY polinomial for rational knots"
September 23, 2015
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Cocyclic invariants of knots" (video)
September 16, 2015
Report of the A. Gaifullin. The title of his talk: "Analytical continuation of the volume of hyperbolic tetrahedron and bellow conjecture in hyperbolic space" (video)
September 9, 2015
Report of the V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "Transformations of one-vertex spines"
September 2, 2015
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Yang-Baxter operators and invariants of links" (video)
June 3, 2015
Report of the S. Matveev. The title of his talk: "A simple proof of the Postnikov theorem"
May 27, 2015
Report of the M. Ovchinnikov. The title of his talk: "Knotoids as cobordisms"
May 20, 2015
Report of the Y. Ilyina. The title of here talk: "Invariants of knotoids"
May 13, 2015
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Quantum invariants of knots" (video)
May 6, 2015
Report of the V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "The irreducibility of knots in a thickened torus with respect to the horizontal cutting tori"
April 29, 2015
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Analogue of Wirtinger presentation for the fundamental groups of complements of knots in thickened surfaces"
April 15, 2015
Report of the V. Turaev. The title of his talk: "The stat-sums on the spines of three-dimensional manifolds" (video)
April 8, 2015
Report of the V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "The complexity of an infinite series of knots in the thickened torus obtained by closing the circular braid"
April 1, 2015
Report of the V. Turaev. The title of his talk: "Knotoids" (video)
March 25, 2015
Report of the E. Fominykh. The title of his talk: "Complexity of virtual manifolds" (video)
March 18, 2015
Report of the S. Matveev. The title of his talk: "Seifert manifold" (video)
March 11, 2015
Report of the A. Akimova. The title of her talk: "Classification of primary virtual knots of genus 1 having low complexity"
March 4, 2015
Report of the V. Turaev. The title of his talk: "Non-special spines of 3-manifolds"
February 18, 2015
Report of the M. Ovchinnikov. The title of his talk: "Weights of gluing in long loops of special spines of closed 3-manifolds and their geometric meaning"
February 11, 2015
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Generalization of the Alexander polynomial for virtual knots"
December 24, 2014
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "The basics of TQFT" (video)
December 10, 2014
Report of the I. Taimanov. The title of his talk: "Persistent homology and their applications"
December 3, 2014
Report of the V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "Construction of the Khovanov homology"
November 26, 2014
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Tensor calculus. Remineders" (video)
November 19, 2014
Report of the V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "Kahsaev task for 4-dimensional manifolds"
November 12, 2014
Report of the A. Akimova. The title of her talk: "Hovanov homology for knots in thikened torus"
November 5, 2014
Report of the S. Matveev. The title of his talk: "Dijgraaf-Witten invariants for Seifert manifolds" (video)
October 29, 2014
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "On finite type invariants of virtual knots. Continuation"
October 22, 2014
Report of the Ph. Korablev. The title of his talk: "On finite type invariants of virtual knots"
October 8, 2014
Report of the A. Perfilyev. The title of his talk: "Electrical invariants of knots and links. Continuation"
October 1, 2014
Report of the A. Perfilyev. The title of his talk: "Electrical invariants of knots and links"
September 3, 2014
Report of the A. Akimova. The title of her talk: "Classification of genus 1 virtual knots having at most 5 classical crossings"
June 18, 2014
Report of the Y. Tkachenko. The title of her talk: "Double covering and the new invariant of knots"
May 28, 2014
Report of the V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "Homological characterization of knots in a thickened torus"
May 21, 2014
Report of the V. Morozov. The title of his talk: "The total number of tangent circles to three immersed circles"
May 14, 2014
Report of the F.G. Korablev. The title of his talk: "The analogue of Dijgraaf-Witten invariant for special polyhedrons"
May 7, 2014
Report of the S.V. Matveev. The title of his talk: "Dijgraaf-Witten invariant over Z2"
April 30, 2014
Report of the V.V. Tarkaev. The title of his talk: "Projection of knots in a thickened torus, understood as a cell decomposition of the torus - some properties and enumerating results"
April 23, 2014
Report of L.R. Nabeeva. The title of her talk: "On a series of projections of knots in the thickened Klein bottle"
April 16, 2014
Report of Ph.G. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Enumeration of 3 -cocycles for finite cyclic groups"
March 26, 2014
Report Y.K. Ilina. The title of her talk: "On a series of projections of knots in a thickened torus with a hole"
March 19, 2014
Report Ph.G. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Combinatorial definition Theta-invariant"
March 12, 2014
Report of V.G. Turaev. The title of his talk: "Elements of the category theory. Part 2"
March 5, 2014
Report of V.G. Turaev. The title of his talk: "Elements of the category theory"
February 26, 2014
Report of S.V. Matveev. The title of his talk: "Calculation of quantum invariants of 3-dimensional manifolds"
February 19, 2014
Report Ph.G. Korablev. The title of his talk: "Casson invariant of three-dimensional manifolds"
February 12, 2014
Report of S.V. Matveev. The title of his talk: "Witten-Dijgraaf invariants. Part 2"
January 29, 2014
Report of S.V. Matveev. The title of his talk: "Witten-Dijgraaf invariants"